News and Events


The Sakura Science Program 2022 – Online Training

Update by Webadmin 2022-10-20 05:09:12

On 18 October 2022, AFSIS Secretariat attended the Sakura Science Plan 2022 which is the Japan Asia Youth Exchange Program with the cooperation of Japan Science and Technology (JST), the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC). As this year, to avoid of COVID-19 current situation, the training was held as online training.

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The Invitational Workshop on the Project for Establishing Real-Time ASEAN Food Security Information System and Development Human

Update by Webadmin 2022-10-19 10:52:35

The Invitational Workshop on the Project for Establishing Real-Time ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS) and Development Human Resources, hosted by the Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (EPIS) with the collaboration of the AFSIS Secretariat, was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, during 10-14 October 2022.

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Tropical Cyclone NORU (KARDING), Philippines

Update by Webadmin 2023-01-03 06:07:31

Regarding the situation report from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), from 22-26 September 2022, Tropical Strom NORU (local name: Karding) formed over the western Philippines Sea and intensified into a Super Typhoon (STY) Category after a period of explosive intensification moving westward. The center of the eye of STY NORU was estimated at 230 km East of Infanta, Quezon with maximum sustained winds of 185 km/h near the center, gustiness of up to 230 km/h, and a central pressure of 925 Hecto Pascal (hPa).

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The Director of Statistics Planning Division, MAFF of Japan visits AFSIS Secretariat office

Update by Webadmin 2022-09-23 17:08:19

On 21 September 2022, Mr. Kimura Keitaro, Director, and Mr. Hosaka Masahiro, Deputy Director of Statistics Planning Division, Statistics Department from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan visited AFSIS Secretariat office.

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The Regional Workshop on the SAS-PSA project

Update by Webadmin 2022-09-23 16:48:11

On 19-20 September 2022, AFSIS Secretariat with support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan held the Regional Workshop on the Project for Supporting Agricultural Survey on Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in ASEAN Region (SAS-PSA) at Grande Centre Point Hotel Ratchadamri, Bangkok, Thailand.

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The Odyssey visits the AFSIS Secretariat office

Update by Webadmin 2022-09-14 09:27:40

On 13 September 2022, Ms. Chenyang Zhang, a representative of the Odyssey Technical Company Limited from Hong Kong visited the AFSIS Secretariat office.

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Task Group 5 (TG5) – Asia RiCE (Agriculture and Food Security) Online Meeting

Update by Webadmin 2022-09-12 10:44:06

Task Group 5 (TG5) – Asia RiCE (Agriculture and Food Security) Meeting which was a sectoral meeting under the 15th Asia-Oceania GEO (AOGEO) Symposium was held as an online meeting on 12 September 2022.

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The Special SOM-43rd AMAF and the Special SOM-21st AMAF Plus Three Meeting

Update by Webadmin 2022-08-24 09:06:37

The Special Senior Officials Meeting of the 43rd Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (SSOM-43rd AMAF) and the Special Senior Officials Meeting of the 21st Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry Plus Three (SSOM-21st AMAF+3) were held during 23-24 August 2022, hosted by the Republic of Indonesia as the virtual meeting.

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The Kick-off meeting between AFSIS Secretariat and EPIS under the 3rd phase of Real-Time AFSIS Project in Lao PDR

Update by Webadmin 2022-08-23 07:54:03

On 19 August 2022, AFSIS Secretariat attended the online kick-off meeting which was conducted by the Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (EPIS) and the Project Management Consulting (PMC) from the Global Civic Sharing (GCS) and EGIS Korea company limited (EGIS) for the preparation of the related activities and workshop under the 3rd phase of Project for Establishing Real-Time ASEAN Food Security Information System and Developing Human Resources in Lao PDR.

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The Bilateral Meeting on the support of AFSIS between the Secretary-General of OAE and MAFF, Japan

Update by Webadmin 2022-08-09 01:57:10

On 8 August 2022, Mr. Chantanon Wannakejohn, Secretary-General of the Office of Agricultural Economics (OAE), Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperative (MOAC) of Thailand had attended the Bilateral Meeting in Tokyo, Japan with Mr. KANKE Hideto, Director General, Statistics Department (SD), Minister's Secretariat, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan to discuss the effective and smooth implementation of AFSIS in the future.

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