
The AFSIS project database contains information of five major food crops;
rice, maize, soybean, sugarcane and cassava.

The information includes planted and harvested areas, production, yield, crop calendar, wholesale prices, agricultural labor
force, trade, GDP, food balance sheets, land use, costs of production, and etc. Additionally, the AFSIS project has been
publishing the ASEAN Agricultural Commodity Outlook (ACO) and Early Warning Information (EWI) reports to provide food
security insights. The ACO report covers the current and forecasted situations for various commodities in the ASEAN region,
including details on area, yield, production, utilization, stock, prices, imports, and exports. The EWI report includes information
on production, planted and harvested areas, yields, and damaged areas of commodities.



The policymakers of ASEAN Member
States can utilize our data to
formulate food security plans and
policies, aiming to secure an adequate
food supply for their people


Stakeholders including exporters,
importers, government officials,
and farmers are able to access to
ASEAN food security information


Our information can be utilized
for academic purposes

ASEAN Plus Three : Statistics

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