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Regional Forum on Geospatial Information Application for Agricultural Monitoring in South-East Asia, Kunming, China

Update by Webadmin 2023-12-07 00:33:37

Regional Forum on Geospatial Information Application for Agricultural Monitoring in South-East Asia hosted by Yunan University was held in Kunming, China, Secord Segment (Technology, Institution and, Policy) on November 30 – December 1, 2023.

On this occasion, Ms. Tiziana Bonapace Director, of Information and Communication Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (ESCAP) and Mr. Zhuang Yan, Chinese Academy of Science (tbt) delivered the opening remarks to all participants. The workshop was attended by representativesof the ASEAN member countries the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO), the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS), Group on Earth Observations Global Agriculture Monitoring (GEOGLAM), the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), and the ASEAN Research and Training Center for Space Technology and Applications (ARTSA), as well as the AFSIS Secretariat.

On 30th November, the session of High-Level Panel discussion on potential adoption and replication in South-East Asian Countries, Dr. Sumanya Ngandee, AFSIS Manager, shared the experience of AFSIS (ASEN Food Security Information), our project that corroborates with plus 3 counties, and the new framework that we provide AFSIS to become the international organization and national cooperation agency in the future to the participants.

At the meeting on 1st December, the presentation session was about the case studies and discussion led by representatives of ASEN member countries and the Crop Bio Project Meeting in the afternoon. This session provided a ton of knowledge that will be useful in the future.

In addition, this meeting went well and received the attention of the participants. This is in line with AFSIS's ambition to demonstrate the importance of the project and the importance of food security information.

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