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Flooding and Landslide in West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Update by Webadmin 2023-01-03 06:19:06

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the Serious Disaster

Flooding and Landslide in West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

December 2021

Source: ASEAN Disaster Monitoring & Response System (DMRS); Pacific Disaster Center (PDC Global); Indonesia’s National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB); Center for Agricultural Data and Information System, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia


Flooding and Landslide in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

          Flooding and landslide in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia occurred on December 5th-6th, 2021. The affected areas that were damaged in West Lombok districts are Batu Layar sub-district (3 villages), Gunung Sari sub-district (11 villages), and Lingsar sub-district (1 village). Besides, the areas that were damaged in Bima City are Mpunda sub-district (2 villages), Raba sub-district (3 villages), Asakota sub-district (3 villages), and East Rasanae sub-district (1 village).

         The total of 103 hectares of paddy area and 4 hectares of maize area were affected by flooding and landslide. The government of Indonesia which cooperated with army, agencies, and volunteers have evacuated the victims and distributed logistics and basic needs such as food, clothes and medicine for refugees, and at the same time for maintaining food price stability. Moreover, the government will provide assistance to help farmers, such as seeds or other production inputs. Unfortunately, there has been no assistance or help from other countries’ governments until now.

         West Lombok District is one of the rice-producers in West Nusa Tenggara province, including the top 5rice production centers of East Java. In fact, the damage in West Lombok and Bima city is not too significant compared to the total area of rice planted. However, there is still a negative impact of reducing rice production during the growing season.


          In conclusion, the other factors that are predicted to cause a decrease in food crop production due to the destruction of plantation areas in Indonesia are flooding at the end of the year caused by high rainfall, the eruption of Mount Semeru, and the earthquake in East Nusa Tenggara.


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