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Flooding and Landslides in 10 Provinces in Lao PDR

Update by Webadmin 2023-09-13 02:27:05

Report and Disseminate the Information Regarding

the Serious Disaster

Flooding and Landslides in 10 Provinces in Lao PDR

August 2023


Source: Lao PDR; Center for Agricultural Statistics (CAS), Department of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. National Disaster Management Committee (NdMC), ASEAN Disaster Monitoring & Response System (DMRS), National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)



According to the ASEAN Disaster Monitoring and Response System (DMRS), the southwest monsoon brings heavy rainfall over Lao PDR causing flooding and landslide incidents since 4 August 2023. Regarding the water level across Lao PDR, a warning has been issued since 1 August regarding water levels across Lao PDR.


On 9 August 2023, a newly released report from the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) mentioned that 10 provinces namely, Vientiane Capital, Houaphan, Xaignabouli, Xiangkhouang, Vientiane, Bolikhamxai, Khammouan, Savannakhet, Champasak and Xaixomboun were affected by floods. The number of affected is 13,777 families or approximately 68,800 individuals who live within these provinces. 6 people died and 1 person is missing. The rainfall brought widespread flooding and landslides causing damage to infrastructure, it was reported that 67 roads were impassible, 67 irrigations malfunctioned, 3 district hospitals, 3 schools, and 110 vehicles were affected. The immediate needs for food and clean drinking water have become urgent priorities.


According to the report from the Center for Agricultural Statistics (CAS), Department of Planning and Cooperation on 8 September 2023, it reported that an agricultural area of 31,482 hectares was affected by flooding, with damage areas of 2,281 hectares. There was also a report of the number of livestock deaths in Khammuane province as follows 3,032 buffaloes, 7,189 cattle, 102 pigs, 51 goats, and 24,996 poultry. The total estimated damage cost was 19,199,305,000 LAK.


Regarding the countermeasures or policies toward this situation, the following government agencies and other relevant agencies provided immediate needs to the affected community:

- The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MOLSW), along with the Ministry of National Defense, provided essential aid to those affected in three provinces: Borlikhamxai, Khammuan, and Savanakhet. The assistance included consumer goods such as rice, sanitary appliances, household items, and clothing. The total value of this support amounted to 573,927,000 LAK. Furthermore, MLOSW extended its aid by distributing fuel vouchers to the flood-affected population in ten provinces. The total cost of this initiative reached 360,000,000 LAK. MOLSW is also taking a key coordinating role, working closely with provincial authorities.

- The Ministry of National Defense (MOD) provided mobilizing military forces and vehicles to support. They distributed non-food items and food items, as well as provided temporary shelter equipment in Borlikhamxay, Khammuan, Savanakhet, and Huaphan Provinces.

- The Ministry of Health (MOH) deployed a team equipped with a Mobile Water Purification Truck unit to produce clean water. They also distributed various water containers, including gallons, buckets, and water bowls, alongside essential medicines in Khammuan Province. The total value of this effort amounted to 418,573,868 LAK.

- The Laos Red Cross (LRC) is actively collaborating with the National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) to provide assistance to affected people based on the capacity of the LRC. The final decision for LRC was guided by NDMC to support affected people in the two provinces of Khammoun and Bolikhamxai. The rest of the 8 provinces will be supported by Government and other agencies assigned by the government.


In terms of international support, there are some reports of international organizations accommodating in providing help for the affected people which are 27 personnel from the headquarters and branched from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) assisted in the assessment of needs for the affected. Personnel from the IFRC-Country Cluster Delegation (CCD) in Bangkok, Thailand will also support to LRC in monitoring field visits. In addition, the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) as part of the ongoing Institutional Preparedness for National Society Development (IPNSD) initiative, has extended financial assistance to the LRC headquarters to support the Bolikhamxai branch for rapid response along with relief kits and drinking water.


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